• Téléchargement de la carte échoué pour:http://open.mapquestapi.com/staticmap/v5/map?key=NAB3yAHwhzquVPqAZDHSSMa5b1QnDDmb&size=370,195&zoom=15&center=50.8644819,4.3503702
diman 30

Alhuriyat alsalam eadalat ! Free Sudan!

dimanche 30 juin 2019 à 13h

Alhuriyat alsalam eadalat ! Free Sudan!


Alllajiiyn alsuwdaniiyn min ajl aldiymuqratia taswit

30 yuniu 2019 min 1 msa'an iilaa 6 msa'an kl alswdany fi biljika lil taswit min ajl mustaqbal alsuwdan

min 1 msa'an iilaa 10 msa'an

mutamarat hawl alsuwdan - alttarikh, amanfaa, alaistiqbal fi biljika,

alsueubat, ..., alrusum almuttaharrikat walmusiqaa

'ayn ? : Allée du kaai, avenue du Port, 53 1000 Bruxelles


vote of soudani, conferences for belgian, party for all!

From 6 pm to 10 pm



soudani refugee ' s for democracy invites a ll people in belgium to observe the referendum for future of soudan

From 1 pm to 6 pm . Results of the vote : 7 pm


Soudani refugee ' s for democracy understand what happens in Soudan and how the gouvernement and the people in belgium treat sudani refugees.

From 2 pm to 6 pm


soudani refugee ' s for democracy invites all people in belgium to make the party with food , music , show and more

From 6 pm to 10 pm

The place to be : Allee du kaai , avenue du port , 53 1000 Bruxelles

Source : message reçu le 25 juin 18h