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samed 14

Symposium - The Brain Anno 2015 - A Gender Analysis

samedi 14 novembre 2015 à 9h

Symposium - The Brain Anno 2015 - A Gender Analysis

Symposium : The Brain Anno 2015 - A Gender Analysis

Samedi 14 novembre 09:00-16:00 | Auditorium Brussels Parliament - Lombardstreet 69 1005 Brussels

Symposium The Brain Anno - A Gender Analysis


The brain anno 2015 - A Gender Analysis

We would like to invite your to attend our 19th symposium on Saturday the 14th of November
We welcome you to come listen to this year's interesting speakers and take part in the debate about the current theme of gender differences in the brain

6 C.P E&E
Organised by Prof. dr. Lieve Dams

Traduction simultanée en français / Simultaneous translation in English

Info :