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mercr 11

ALTER-EU WORKSHOP - Corporate influence on EU-legislation

mercredi 11 mai 2011 à 15h

ALTER-EU WORKSHOP - Corporate influence on EU-legislation

ALTER-EU WORKSHOP 11 May: Corporate influence on EU-legislation: the Commission's experts groups

(Pdf-version attached)


Corporate influence onEU-legislation - the Commission's experts groups

At the end of 2010, the European Commission quietly adopted new rules governing its 1,000+ advisory bodies without any public announcement let alone consultation. These 'expert groups' are powerful bodies whose recommendations often determine the shape of EU legislation.

ALTER-EU has criticised the lack of ambition in the Commission's reforms, and concludes that commercial lobbyists, be it as industry representatives or in a 'personal capacity', still dominate a large number of these advisory groups in critical policy areas, while other interests are poorly represented. Furthermore much about the functioning of these powerful groups - when, where and how often they meet, and what is discussed - remains unclear.

Members of the European Parliament from all political groups have urged an overhaul of the regulations for expert groups. ALTER-EU believes the time is right for civil society groups to come together and demand that the Commission ensures balanced representation and transparency.

When: Wednesday, May 11 - 15h00 to 18h00

Where: Mundo-B, 26, rue d'Edimbourg - Conference Room

Who: Opening remarks:

  • Yiorgos Vassalos, researcher ALTER-EU / Corporate Europe Observatory.


  • Monique Goyens, director general BEUC;
  • Joël Decaillon, confederal secretary ETUC;
  • Ronny Patz, EU-liaison officer Transparency International;
  • Gérard Choplin, Policy officer, European Coordination Via Campesina.

Simultaneous translation in English and French will be available.

RSVP before 6 May: koen@alter-eu.org ; + 32 4 9750 9871

pièce jointe: application/pdf

Source : message reçu le 13 avril 01h