jeudi 05

Roundtable debate - Recovery for whom ? Austerity policies, gendered impacts

jeudi 5 mars 2015 à 9h

Roundtable debate - Recovery for whom ? Austerity policies, gendered impacts

Roundtable debate : Recovery for whom ? Austerity policies, gendered impacts and policy alternatives for Europe

Jeudi 5 mars 09:00-18:00 | Brussels Press Club Europe - Rue Froissart 95 1040 Brussels

 Recovery for whom ? Austerity policies, gendered impacts and policy alternatives for Europe

Current austerity policies could undermine past achievements towards gender equality, as they can negatively impact upon employment and social welfare protection. In particular, these policies could reverse the progress made in the last decade in establishing a fulfilling life for women and men.

Austerity policies are beginning to expose clear gender divisions in the Eurozone, particularly in the South. Women are feeling the impact of such policies both directly, via their reduced employment in the public sector but also indirectly via the reduction of public sector spending on crucial care, health and education services that have, in the past, supported working women. Given this status-quo it is crucial that we highlight the nature and content of a gendered alternative to austerity economics which can create quality jobs for both women and men

In light of this background, the Foundation for European Progressive Studies (FEPS) co-organises a roundtable debate at the Brussels Press Club Europe on March 5th 2015 with the objectives to :

a) determine and discuss the channels and the extent of the impact of austerity policies on women and men in Europe, particularly in the labour market

b) define the characteristics of a progressive and gendered equitable macroeconomic framework for Europe.

The debate will gather policy makers, academics and representatives of European trade unions. Among the speakers : Diane Elson, Professor of Sociology, University of Essex and Chair of the UK Women's Budget Group, Zita Gurmai, Vice-President of the Foundation for European Progressive Studies (FEPS) and President of PES Women, Veronica Anna-Maria Nilsson, Confederal Secretary, European Trade Union Confederation (ETCU), Maria Joao Rodrigues, Vice Chair S&D Group and former Minister of Employment in Portugal.

During the lunch, we will also present our latest book "Woman Up 2 : A Transatlantic Gender Dialogue"

This roundtable debate is organised by FEPS together with TASC, The Economic Council of the Labour Movement (ECLM), the Open University and the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) and in collaboration with S&D Group at the European Parliament and PES Women.

Check the Programme and Register Now

This roundtable debate is also an opportunity to disseminate original policy-oriented research conducted under the project Beyond Austerity : Towards Employment : a Gender-Aware Framework.This roundtable debate will also build upon the highly successful FEPS-CAMPALANS seminar on Gender and Austerity held in Barcelona in December 2014.

Check here the programme and presentations of the seminar.

More information :
FEPS Communication Advisor
Alain Bloëdt

32 2 234 69 01