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mercr 04

Manifestation - contre le TTIP - Friends of the Earth Europe

mercredi 4 février 2015 à 10h30

Manifestation - contre le TTIP - Friends of the Earth Europe

EU and US trade negotiators will meet in Brussels between 2 and 7 February to continue their talks about the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership, or TTIP. We want you to join us to show our opposition to their plans and gather at the center of the European institutions to say loud and clear: Stop TTIP!

We will inflate a giant Trojan horse to highlight the dangers hiding inside TTIP, which could limit our rights to democratically decide over issues like GMOs, fracking or the privatisation of public services. We will be loud, we will be many and we will show that we won't accept trade deals that limit our democracy.

The protest will take place just after the civil society gathering in Brussels on 2 and 3 February, brining people from across Europe and beyond together for workshops and discussions on resistance to TTIP and alternatives to the current trade deals.

Join us on 4 February at 10.30 on Schuman roundabout to show our common resistance to TTIP and other undemocratic trade agreements!