mardi 24

Second Progress Report - Women on Boards in Europe

mardi 24 février 2015 à 18h

Second Progress Report - Women on Boards in Europe

Women on Boards in Europe : Second Progress Report. Cracks in the glass ceiling or just a trick of the light ?

Mardi 24 février 18:00 | The Centre - Avenue Marnix, 28 1000 Brussels

 Second Progress Report. Cracks in the glass ceiling or just a trick of the light ?

The European Women's Lobby has the pleasure of inviting you to the launch event of

'Women on Boards in Europe : Second Progress Report. Cracks in the glass ceiling or just a trick of the light ?',

which will take place in Brussels (venue tbc).

As part of our Beijing+20 focus month on 'Women in Decision-Making', February sees the launch of the European Women's Lobby's latest report on women on boards. In the current period of momentum in which we find ourselves regarding the EU Directive on gender parity in the boardroom, it is a key moment to reflect on developments in this area since 2012 in order to best inform current and future policy-making.

Join us on 24th February for the launch of our newest report, which will include a high-level panel discussion, an interactive 'mini-boardroom' activity and networking. More details to follow !

Share with your colleagues and friends and register at sharexples@womexenlobby.exorg before 20th February.
Remember, it isn't just for women - men are very welcome too !