samed 23

Noborder camp in Stockholm

samedi 23 juin 2012 (heure non définie)

Noborder camp in Stockholm

Noborder camp in Stockholm 17-24 June 2012

dimanche 17 juin 2012 18:00

Since the 1990s, action camps have been taking place under the name 'No border' to put focus on the borders that separate people. Regardless of whether the focus has been borders that the state maintains or those that capitalism establishes, the camps have served as autonomous free zones - built by people to bring together all the various fights against borders and migration policies, to share knowledge and experiences and take direct action against an authoritarian society, of which borders are the most visible manifestation.


stockholm noborder camp

No Border is no organization but a concept, an idea. It is about fighting for world without borders, where everyone has the possibility and no one is restricted from moving freely across the globe without ever being called illegal.

Border effect us all, yet they affect us differently depending on gender, class and ethnicity. The violence and control of the state does not only occur at external border zones but also at airports, hospitals, ports, metros, schools, work places, streets and squares. It is spreading like a poison gas in the air we breath and becomes a part of our daily life. The constant hunt for non-European migrants legitimizes persecution of everyone who does not seem to fit in. Borders create racism.

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