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diman 17

Lecture publique : Palestine Edition - Mornings in Jenin

dimanche 17 décembre 2023 à 19h

Lecture publique : Palestine Edition - Mornings in Jenin

Following the ongoing genocide, we (as Snooker Club collective) decided not to remain silent and use our storytelling medium to read a novel from Palestine in Brussels, we chose a Palestinian novel, MORNING IN JENIN by b, and we will be turning it into a performative reading like dialogues and scenes. Morning in Jenin takes the reader through half a century of Palestinian dispossession, Israeli colonization, and an epic love story between Yousef and the woman he loved all his life.

It will be publicly read by 4-5 members of the collective in around 30-45 minutes on one of the proposed dates evenings.

For this Public Rehearsal, the concept is to convey the roots of Palestinian contemporary history from 1948 and 1967 to the public in the form of a dialogue to inspire them to read our recommended book and have conversations after our performance.