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vendr 03

Concert : Felix-Florian Tödtloff

vendredi 3 novembre 2023 à 20h

Concert : Felix-Florian Tödtloff

Felix-Florian Tödtloff (Berlin, GER)

Berlin-raised experimental musician Felix-Florian Tödtloff started performing solo as »Sferics«, improvising frippertronics-style loops on electric guitar. Over time he added layers of subtractive synthesizer drones, percussion and processed field recordings - expanding his musical vocabulary and leaning towards more compositional techniques.

In 2021 Full Body Massage Records released Tödtloff's first album »Shale / Like Gold« on which he blends acoustic instruments with Berlin-school-style electronica, followed by time-streching studies which became the 2-song EP »Alto«, released in 2022 on Grisaille.

Besides performing solo Felix is part of experimental Duos Magazine Magazine & The Old Dream of Symmetry and leads the improvisational rock group Swoosh.

Notable solo performances took place all throughout Europe, Israel, Russia, China and Aotearoa New Zealand. Two musical study tours took him to the Caucasus and the Volta Region of Ghana.
