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vendr 24

Concert : Emily Wittbrodt & Hanna Schörken

vendredi 24 novembre 2023 à 20h

Concert : Emily Wittbrodt & Hanna Schörken

It doesn't crash brutally and it never gets completely quiet.

What Emily Wittbrodt (cello) and Hanna Schörken (voice) create together is rather a minimal approach to a common pulse. It is explored and transformed
into sound.

What? Exactly? Exploring subtleties, unraveling and entangling language, getting to the point, picking up and discarding.

Emily Wittbrodt and Hanna Schörken have been playing together since 2019 and met in the Ruhr area. Their music is created at the intersection of free improvisation, folk, jazz and poetry. Musical influences of the two musicians strand at different points in this project: Role models such as Jeanne Lee or Björk, as well as the lyricist E.E. Cummings and their own texts are reinterpreted by the duo and steered into very own paths.

The communication of the instruments always remains transparent and direct, close to each other and at the same time independent of each other.

Keep it real.

[Photo : Anna Sorgalla]