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vendr 14

Concert : Trio Hanne De Backer/Stephan Deller/Steffen Roth

vendredi 14 avril 2023 à 20h

Concert : Trio Hanne De Backer/Stephan Deller/Steffen Roth

Baritone saxophoneplayer Hanne De Backer invites drummer Steffen Roth and bassplayer Stephen Deller, both based in Leipzig, for an evening of spontaneous music.

The trio met one year ago in Kalbe (Germany) on Steffen's fantastic Potentiale Festival and soon the idea of playing more together was born. A first tour in Germany was set up in September '22 and now they are coming to Brussels.

They play improvised music, with references in blues and freejazz, straight from the heart, listening carefully to one another and celebrating life in all its shapes and forms.