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diman 26

Concert : Adder Klank

dimanche 26 février 2023 à 20h

Concert : Adder Klank

ADDER KLANK - Van De Velde/De Backer/Piano
(concert of improvised music)

Hanne De Backer: sax
Casper Van De Velde: drums
Gašper Piano: guitar

Gašper Piano (1981), predominantly active as a musician/improviser/composer & sound artist for scene arts (contemporary dance, theater) has organized in May 2021 his first sessions of improvised music at ZSenne Art Lab (Brussels, BE) and name the event; _ADDER KLANK - gatherings of spontaneous sound collisions.

He has played with various renown musicians from Belgium's experimental and improvisational music scene. Inspiration of spontaneous musical interactivity reinforced his efforts to make ADDER KLANK sesions a recognizable platform of 'unpredictable sound collisions', enriched by different musicians and presented in collaborations with variety of cultural spaces and institutions