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vendr 10

Concert : Junglefish & Rabbi Houdini

vendredi 10 mars 2023 à 20h

Concert : Junglefish & Rabbi Houdini

Junglefish, aka Michael, is a hopeless romantic who writes songs about love, life, politics and tea. Originally from London but now settled in Bruxelles he is starting to establish his presence with gigs at The Bizon, Lave Cafe, KFK Hope and La Vieille Chechette.

Rabbi Houdini is the Brussels music scene's most intriguing new band. Fronted by Reagan M. Sova, an acclaimed poet and author, dubbed by one interviewer as "a sharp-shooting Lone Ranger of the literary underground", Rabbi Houdini is comprised of six stellar musicians who take inspiration from Silver Jews, Built to Spill, Bob Dylan, and the Velvet Underground. Listening to their music is like hearing poetry achieve lift-off.