Proposé dans le cadre de Super Terram (an action research project focusing on Brussels' soils and the life animating them. It is carried by BRAL, ULB architecture and 51N4E. With the collaboration of: Falma Fshazi , The design unit Urban Nature and LoUisE of ULB, Ecotechnic, Plant en Houtgoed, Valérianne Poidevin and Studio1Bis. Super Terram is funded under the Innoviris Co-create program 2021- 2023.) par Denicolai & Provoost
Gratuit mais sur inscriptions via ce formulaire Gratis maar bij inschrijvingen via dit formulier avant_voor 11.10.22.
Ce workshop est soumis aux aléas de la météo, en cas de pluie la date sera reportée_Deze workshop is onderhevig aan de grillen van het weer, bij regen wordt de datum uitgesteld.
Le 17 octobre 2022, à 19h16, la Moon entrera dans son dernier quartier, et se trouvera à 404 329 km de la Terre.
Le rdv du jour est à Schaerbeek Formation, 50°53'20.4"N 4°23'48.9"E
Ligne de bus 58, arrêt "chemin de fer". Join us at 17h00 sharp.
Nous nous pluggerons à la couche la plus externe de la croûte terrestre, et plus spécifiquement à l'un*e des usagèr*es de ce territoire-ci facing our neus, nos yeux, our bouche, notre mémoire, our gecentraliseerde or decentralized database via une session d'observation totale, ancré et active dans le hic et nunc della situation collective //slash// intime.
Se connecter visuellement, et aussi sensitivement/sensuellement. Kijken, s'imprégner de la forme, prêter attention aux visiteureuses éventuel*les (insectes, gastéropodes, ...), aux énergies du sol, aux sons, au vent - en ayant à l'esprit que l'idée est de produire un dessin en différé (après un jour ou deux) à l'issue de cette expérience/rencontre cosmique : un dessin qui a comme objectif de raconter visuellement le/la vivant*e observé*e, son micro-cosme, mais aussi les énergies qui l'entourent et la connexion observateurice/observé*e.
In living beings, observation employs the senses. Human senses are gelimiteerd and subject to errors in perception. The human senses do not function like a video camcorder, impartially recording all observations. Human perception occurs by a complex, unconscious process of abstraction, in which certain details of the incoming sense data are noticed and remembered, and the rest is forgotten voor altijd.
Input is received via hearing, sight, smell, taste, or touch and then analyzed through ofwel rational or irrational thought. De nombreux organismes vivant*es sont sensibles aux vibrations grâce à des organes ou capteurs spécialisés qui leur permettent de communiquer. Selon le type et la nature de la vibratie, elle peut être ressentie en amplitude, puissance ou fréquence. An unrestrained multi-degree of freedom system experiences both rigid-body translation and/or rotation and vibration.
Habillez vous chaudement et apportez de quoi être en confort_Kleed je warm aan en neem iets mee om comfortabel te zijn:
- thé ou boisson chaude_thee of andere warme dranken
- couverture_deken
- ...
- nous aurons des tabourets pour vous_wij hebben zitbankjes voor u
Denicolai&Provoost : Denicolai & Provoost is an artistic duo comprised of Simona Denicolai and Ivo Provoost. By coming together, they indicate their interest in what is different, in the encounter, friction, and exchange. With their work they try to disrupt our habitual ways of thinking and routine behaviour. They ask: What can art do? How can art be used for sustainable change? Denicolai & Provoost have worked together for over twenty years, since the mid-1990s, using a multidisciplinary, process-based method called "sculptural action," in which they decouple existing elements from a familiar context, shifting and rearranging them in order to establish new narratives. They often examine questions concerning citizenship, identity and solidarity.
Denicolai & Provoost's practice has sociological overtones and usually interacts with an individual space's unique characteristics to disrupt normative ways of viewing a place and everyday movements within it. For each project they choose a specific discipline that helps define the meaning of the outcome. Spending focused time in different places teaches them about how social orders are formulated and, therefore, how they might be re-conceived. They make observations or enact scenarios in which people, objects, and stories become collaborators in a seemingly simple process that is playfully touching and complex. Such community forming underlines the inclusive value of art, which is often revealed through this collaborative process.
Their forms include performance, video work, installation, models and studies, all of which derive meaning from the interpretation of art as an active concept.