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vendr 11

Concert : Choro de Rua

vendredi 11 février 2022 à 20h

Concert : Choro de Rua

Choro de Rua est né en 2012 du désir de propager le Choro en Italie et en Europe, afin de permettre à tout le monde d'apprécier ce genre sophistiqué de musique instrumentale brésilienne, qui donne envie de jouer et écouter.

Depuis, le duo Choro de Rua, composé par la flûtiste italienne Barbara Piperno et le musicien brésilien Marco Ruviaro, qui joue de la guitare 7-cordes et de la mandoline, a eu une activité musicale intense : En essayant de faire connaître le Choro dans les différents coins du monde, en jouant, en enregistrant, en organisant des masterclass, en faisant des recherches, en mettant en lien des gens etc.

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Qu'est-ce que le Choro?

CHORO est le genre le plus important de musique instrumentale brésilienne.

CHORO est une manière de jouer.

CHORO est une forme de vivre et partager la musique avec joie et créativité.

Barbara Piperno, flute

Barbara Piperno, born in 1980 in Italy, graduated in flute at Conservatorio Gioachino Rossini in 1996. Besides the activity as a classical musician, she experimented other musical genres and discovered the voice as an additional instrument to express herself. Since 2011, she has been dedicating to Brazilian popular music, in particular to Choro. She recorded several albums and performed in Italy and abroad. She has different groups, as Choro de Rua, Regional Matuto, Elizabeth Fadel and Barbara Piperno duo and Dialogues between a Guqin and a Dizi. www.barbarapiperno.com

Marco Ruviaro, 7-string guitar

Marco Ruviaro, born in 1978 in São Paulo (Brazil), started studying music at the age of 11. Self-taught mandolinist, he is graduated in classical guitar at the Universidade Estadual Paulista. He studied guitar with Paulo Porto Alegre, Sidney Molina, Giacomo Bartoloni and Luciano Lima. He is professor of guitar and mandolin. He has several music projects in different countries: Duo Baguá (Spain), New York Choro Duo (USA), Regional Matuto and Choro de Rua (Italy). He released 9 albums of Choro and, among them, there is "Acabou o sossego…" (2014), his first album exclusively dedicated to his own compositions. Guest of many international Choro festivals and events, he is considered a virtuoso exponent of the genre. www.marcoruviaro.com

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Choro de Rua a enregistré trois albums:

- Santo Bálsamo (Visage Music), 2020

- Aeroplanando, 2013

- Chorando na Toscana, 2012