♡ 19:30 ♡
7min-video clip
Le clip "Choeur de doléances" vise à faire entendre les doléances petites et grandes, actuelles et historiques, remplies d'humour et de colère des femmes valaisannes lors de la Grève des femmes-Grève féministe qui se déroule dans toute la Suisse le 14 juin.
♡ 20:00 ♡
Please join us for a presentation of the project !
By the two founders and friends Isa Toledo and Rosie Eveleigh.
ButchCamp is a project that seeks to plot an uncharted history of the term 'camp' by centring a lesbian-specific sensibility. It's a visual historiography project - aka images and texts - that suggest how dykes still share a subliminal set of signs (despite classic male camp going mainstream); a wink in the eye of the beholder.
The talk will be in Q&A form: asking questions of each other and of the project. By pointing out the reoccurring, ineffable dykiness in particular gestures, codes and dress, we will caress the topics of online archives and social media, the marginalisation of lesbian culture, and maybe even claim some space for (Butch)Camp's queer subversiveness today.
♡ 22:00-01:30♡
Mothers & Daughters team back-to-back DJ night
$$Prix Libre$$
Source : https://www.mothersanddaughters.be/events/_co…
Source : message reçu le 14 juin 12h