• Téléchargement de la carte échoué pour:http://open.mapquestapi.com/staticmap/v5/map?key=NAB3yAHwhzquVPqAZDHSSMa5b1QnDDmb&size=370,195&zoom=10&center=50.84686008931,4.3520527341797
mercr 29
mercredi 29 mai 2019 à 18h

Regenerative Leadership


Join us for an interactive evening on regenerative leadership. Together we'll discuss the conceptual background - inspired by Deep Ecology and Presencing/Theory U - and put into practice directly our collective insight on how regenerative leadership works.

This is also a great opportunity to find out if our trainings are for you!

Looking forward to co-create with you,

Emerging Future Collective Team

When? 18-21h, 29th May 2019 free access - conscious cost contribution

For further details register here: traiexning@momexologue.bexe

More about us:
Ralf Otto (Theory U, community building and engaging with large groups)
Ana Adzersen (Deep ecology - Work that reconnects, Mindfulness, Presencing)
Shanthuru Premkumar (Non-violent communication, Oasis Game, Design Thinking)

Core approaches we teach and use:
Collective leadership institute, principles and practices in community building, Oasis game
Self-management in groups:
Circle Work, The Council Way, Open Space Technology
Regenerative culture:
Deep ecology - The Work that Reconnects, Theory U - Leading from the Emerging Future
Social Presencing Theatre - 4D Modelling
Project management:
Design Thinking, AGILE
Non-violent Communication, compassionate communication
Appreciative Inquiry, 3D Modelling/Lego Series Play, cooperating in large groups
European Institute for Applied Buddhism

Source : http://www.momologue.be/?page_id=123
Source : message reçu le 24 mai 00h