Save the Forest – Stop Coal!
Save the Forest – Stop Coal!
Hambach Forest: Save it, don't log it!
Chainsaws screech. Ancient trees fall. Giant excavators follow to rip out the coal that lies beneath. A moon-like scenery is all that remains. This is what the energy company RWE is planning for this Autumn: Nothing less than to destroy the Hambach Forest near Cologne, one of Germany's species-richest forests, in order to fill its power plants with Germany's climate killer number one: brown coal!
Save the Climate - Stop coal!
RWE's plans are entirely unacceptable. The results will destroy a landscape of high ecologic value - and further heat up climate change. The past summer's heat waves, droughts and torrential rains have shown that we need to act now to avoid a complete climate catastrophe. Most important for Germany is to shut down the dirtiest coal-fired power stations and to stop burning coal step-by-step until 2030. Additionally we need to build up regenerative energy sources systematically.
RWE saws at climate protection!
RWE provocates. It is putting an ax in the works of the government's Coal Commission, that is currently negotiating in Berlin: on the exit from coal and simultaneously developing smart concepts on how the phase-out can be absorbed by society and also offer new perspectives for the coal region.
Together for a phase-out of coal!
We can only save the Hambach Forest and enforce the phase-out of coal if we form a wide and diverse peoples' movement. Young and old, people from all corners of the country come together to fight for their future and the future of the planet. Join the march on Saturday October 6th 2018 at 12 o'clock from the Buir train station!
We are colorful. We are peaceful. We are diverse. And we are many. We will not allow the Hambach Forest to die for coal. We will send RWE a clear stop sign with a massive march!
Spread the Word
Only together can we reach our aim: Invite your friends and family. You can find templates for flyers, posters and social media to mobilise others for the march here. Share on Twitter and Facebook with #HambacherForest
The Hambach Forest lies west of Cologne in Kerpen. There is a Public transport services but it might be overcrowded. So please plan enough time for your trip. We also strongly recommend our online ride sharing application. For further information check here.
Source :
Source : message reçu le 27 septembre 08h