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samedi 28 octobre 2017 à 10h

Colloque - Local Communities and Indigenous Peoples : Inclusive Research

Local Communities and Indigenous Peoples : Inclusive Research

samedi 28 octobre à 10:00
Université Libre De Bruxelles / Campus Solbosch

This colloquium raises questions concerning the way in which local communities and indigenous peoples are included in academic disciplines. This event aims to compare perspectives from dfferent fields (to include archaeology, environmental studies, biology, political and social sciences) and focuses on two distinct geographical regions: Africa and the Americas. Academia tends to retain a somewhat postcolonial attitude at times, which lead scholars to exclude local and indigenous communities from their investigations, even if they are themselves the subject of the research in question, or are permitting it to be carried out. This one-day event permits the sharing of case-studies of inclusive research throughout Africa and the Americas. It highlights the fact that we are facing many of the same problems, so the sharing of data and experience will assist in the development of new solutions and ideas for further collaborative work. It will also allow students to actively participate in workshops in order to develop more inclusive research in their respective disciplines.

10h00-10h15: Introductive Word

10h15-11h15: Adriana Moreno-Cely (VUB), The Voices in Collaborative Research Practices.

11h15-11h30: Coffee break

11h30-12h30: Herson Huinca Piutrin (HESS), Human Rights of Indigenous Peoples in Chile: Intellectual Property, Genetic Resources and Traditional Knowledge.

12h30-13h30: Lunch break

13h30-14h30: Hervé Hantissié Farma (ULB), The Forgotten City of Loropéni: International and Multidisciplinary Collaboration.

14h30-15h30: Chisomo Kalinga (Center of African Studies, Edinburgh University).
To be defined.

15h30-16h00: Coffee break

16h00-17h00: Workshop: Ana Valenzuela and Tamara Cruz (Siempre NGO): Traditional Knowledge: Research in Practice.

17h00-18h00: Workshop: Genner Llanes Ortiz (Leiden University): What does Collaboration Mean? Constructing Common Research Agendas.


The following information would be highly appreciated so that the workshop can better fit the participants: name, university, background, research topic and any information you would find useful to mention. For instance, the reasons that motivate you to join the workshop, ...

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