• Téléchargement de la carte échoué pour:http://open.mapquestapi.com/staticmap/v5/map?key=NAB3yAHwhzquVPqAZDHSSMa5b1QnDDmb&size=370,195&zoom=15&center=50.8305094,4.346144
lundi 01

Manifestie - 1 mei strijd !

lundi 1er mai 2017 à 11h30

Manifestie - 1 mei strijd !

Manifestie - 1 mei strijd !

The Collectif NoG20 Belgium calls for a first May of anti-capitalist, internationalist, anti-fascist and anti-imperialist struggle.

May Day must be a day of struggle and not of celebration, for if we do not act, soon there will be nothing more to celebrate!
In the face of globalized capitalism, social struggle must converge at the international level. Internationalize struggle and solidarity!

All in the street this May 1 at 11:30 am At the Square of Moscow (Square Janson) in Saint-Gilles!

─▶ www.brigadesactionspaysannes.be

Action Autonome Liège
Collectif Alternative Libertaire Bruxelles
Secours Rouge
L'union des femmes socialistes- Belgique /SKB Belçika
Leuven Anarchistische Groep
Jeunesses Libertaires Belgique
IWW Belgique