Gender Research Seminar - Intersectionality : Theory, Concepts, Methods - RHEA
Gender Research Seminar - Intersectionality : Theory, Concepts, Methods - RHEA
Gender Research Seminar "Intersectionality: Theory, Concepts, Methods"
Van 18 mei 09:30 tot 19 mei 17:00 | Campus: Brussels Engineering, Sciences & Humanities Campus - Pleinlaan 2 1050 Brussel
The Gender Research Seminar is a yearly interdisciplinary course, organized by VUB, UGent and UA, that offers advanced training in research methods in the field of gender and diversity studies. The seminar relates gender to broader issues of diversity, epistemology and questions of (in)equality in power in society, culture and politics from a critical research perspective. In 2016-2017 the seminar will be organized at VUB. This year's focus is on 'Intersectionality: Theory, Concepts and Methods'. Intersectionality refers to the interaction between differentiating social categories such as gender, 'race', class, sexual orientation and age which impact upon individual experiences and create hierarchies of power, discrimination and privilege. Students are invited to reflect upon how intersectionality impacts upon key concepts, research design and methodology in their research. How does an intersectionality perspective affect our understanding of social phenomena? How does it change how we define and study our object of inquiry? How can we apply an intersectionality perspective when doing qualitative as well as quantitative research and interpreting data?
The seminar is open to all Doctoral students and Advanced Master students of VUB, UGent and UA in a variety of disciplines (Sociology, Anthropology, Philosophy, Education, Gender and Diversity, Medicine and Health Sciences, Political Sciences …). PhD students can upon completion receive a 'proof of successful participation' which can be recognized by their PhD-programme. Master students can apply for registration on an individual basis.
For more information and registration, visit the website of the VUB Doctoral Schools for Human Sciences.