WHAT is a WOMAN Being a Woman around the World
WHAT is a WOMAN Being a Woman around the World
WHAT is a WOMAN. Being a Woman around the World.
Van 3 tot 12 maart | Écuries de Boitsfort - Place Antoine Gilson 3, 1170 Bruxelles
WHAT is a WOMAN is a journey from Hanoi to Brussels, an expedition through women's stories and another way to understand what is a woman nowadays.
It all started from the idea that being a woman meant something different that just being a human. That the feminine gender had an impact, a huge impact, on their destinies. That, all around the world, girls and women had other choices and opportunities, other hopes, other stories to tell.
The project intends to present an original portrait of the woman across cultures, religions and countries. While these stories are personal, they depict worldwide paths. While the themes are present in one culture, they are still relevant in the others. Behind those articles, there is one story, one life, the life of a woman.
This leads us to the second objective of WHAT is a WOMAN which is the highlight of similarities between all these lives; that is to say observing women's fights not as specific to cultures and social classes but as one need for need for recognition and equality.
The last main objective is to raise awareness, rethink how gender can impact our lives and others and how we can improve towards a true equality.
The main medium of WHAT is a WOMAN are the articles published on this website. They are supported by photographies and videos.
This project was mainly self-funded and received the help of contributors through a crowdfunding campaign. Donations are still welcomed in order to finance more journeys, more meetings and more articles. WHAT is a WOMAN also needs your virtual support on social medias. Please share stories that touched you and talk about it around you. You can also contact me for more information about one or more subjects: ethel@whatisawoman.net