• Téléchargement de la carte échoué pour:http://open.mapquestapi.com/staticmap/v5/map?key=NAB3yAHwhzquVPqAZDHSSMa5b1QnDDmb&size=370,195&zoom=15&center=50.8504541,4.3467599000001
jeudi 22

INTERNATIONAL DAY OF PEACE Brussels 2016 - Day 2/5

jeudi 22 septembre 2016 à 18h

INTERNATIONAL DAY OF PEACE Brussels 2016 - Day 2/5

International Day of Peace Brussels 2016

Here we are International Day of Peace 2016 in Brussels!

This year ou festival will be concerned on frontiers, borders, limits: frontiers inside et outside Brussels, frontiers in our everyday lives, phisical borders, but also political, administrative, cultural, linguistic, social, and economical.

We want to croos all these borders and tranform them into opportunities, into path to walk together. Through art, music, culture, conferences, performances we will spread one clear message: beyond frontiers!

Thursday 22 September @ De Markten

DAY 2/5: Wars, Peace and Borders

Book Presentation

"Oorlog Zonder grenzen" (Guerres sans frontières) by L. De Brabander (Vrede vzw) - presentation and Q&A session by CSO - Comité Surveillance OTAN


"10 years after the historic elections…did Kabila bring change in the Congo?"

moderation and Q&A session by P. Verlinden (VRT journalist) with E. Van Hoof, member of the Parliament with CD&V, M. Mwendike, activist of LUCHA, K. Berwouts, researcher, F. Anzuluni, activist with FILIMBI

by Pax Christi Vlaanderen vzw in collaboration with Broederlijk Delen and CongoForum -

To register click HERE

all activities are in french and dutch

Source : http://www.internationaldayofpeace.eu
Source : message reçu le 20 septembre 11h